10/24/2016 / By newsparody
Article by Infographic
“Campaign donation tax deductible” Googled
Unpaid campaign volunteer stares longingly at check for a few moments
Voters who love candidate so much they can’t express it within FEC contribution limits opt to give couple million dollars to super PAC
$2.50 processing fee
Donor asked to donate again
After donor’s credit card information is submitted, the details of their demographic profile are sent to the Federal Elections Information Center, where they are entered into an electoral algorithm that determines future candidates target-marketed specifically to them
All checks less than $5,000 immediately thrown away
Donations converted into cash for candidate to rub all over body
Donors rewarded with dumb fucking email newsletter some campaign intern shit out
Behavior coach for candidate’s children takes his cut
Donor asked to donate again
$40,000 paid to campaign graphic designer who will eventually just go with a big “H”
Three quarters of a million dollars spent vying for crucial support of voters watchingCriminal Minds rerun at 2 p.m.
Campaigns with less money ramp up efforts to call for campaign finance reform
Donor asked to donate again
After campaign is over, donated money blends back in with all other civilian money, haunted by what it’s done
Read more at: theonion.com