By Ethan Huff
Watch this hilarious parody at of man with Trump Derangement Syndrome who smashed, defecated on Donald Trump’s Hollywood Star
For the second time since being elected president, Donald Trump has seen his famous “star” on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in California completely destroyed by yet another lunatic with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Apparently this time a 24-year-old man pickaxed Trump’s star out of the sidewalk before proceeding to both urinate and defecate on […]
By newsparody
Trump ‘Not Assasinated Yet’
The CIA and FBI have confirmed they are working on it. ‘Ideally we would like a mad person or terrorist so it cannot be traced to us.’ said a spokesperson, who did not wish to be named. ‘Our preference is a ‘perpetrator’ from a foreign prosperous city so we can bomb the city to smithereens […]
By newsparody
Report: Things Finally As Bad As Trump Claims
WASHINGTON—Following Donald Trump’s stunning victory in the general election early Wednesday morning, political experts confirmed that conditions in the United States are now finally as bad as the Republican nominee has long claimed. “Though we had previously been able to dismiss Trump’s proclamations as mere hyperbole and scare tactics, the United States now definitively meets […]
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